TOEFL Evening Online
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Занятие 1 |
TEST OVERVIEW: Suggestion for Preparation. TOEFL iBT Highlights. Test Sections (Functionality and Special Features:Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing). TOEFL iBT Scores. READING SECTION: Structure of a Reading Passage. Reading Strategies. Reading Practice. Question Types: Identifying the Main Idea. Summarizing the Most Important Points. Understanding Rhetorical Function. WRITING SECTION: Descriptive Essay. Recognizing Descriptive Essay Prompts. Planning a Descriptive Essay (Techniques for Brainstorming: Listening, Clustering, Freewriting). Brainstorming Practice. Outlining. Essay Structure. H.A.: Analysis of a Descriptive Essay Sample p.85 |
Занятие 2 |
WRITING SECTION: Analysis of a Descriptive Essay Sample p.250 LISTENING SECTION: Listening Strategies. Listening Practice: Straight Lecture. Question Types: Understanding Rhetorical Function. Understanding an Idiomatic Expression in Context. SPEAKING SECTION: Speaking Strategies. Speaking Practice: Describing Something from Your Own Experience. Summarizing a Lectures. READING SECTION: Details in a Reading Passage. Transitions. Identifying Examples. Reading Practice. Question Types: Understanding Details. Understanding Details as They Relate to the Main Idea (Multiple Choice and Schematic Table). H.A.: Writing a Descriptive Essay: "The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring?" |
Занятие 3 |
LISTENING SECTION: Implication and Inference, Context and Tone. Listening Practice: Lecture with Student Comments and Questions. Questions Types: Drawing an Inference. Understanding a Speaker's Implication. SPEAKING SECTION: Paraphrasing and Expressing an Opinion. Structure of the Presentation. Speaking Practice: Expressing and Supporting an Opinion Based on Personal Experience. Summarizing a Conversation and Expressing an Opinion. WRITING SECTION: Descriptive Essay. Four Main Strategies. Clarity and Transitions. Sample Essay Analysis. H.A.: Writing a Descriptive Essay: "What are some of the qualities of a good parent?" |
Занятие 4 |
READING SECTION: Transitions, Coherence and Cohesive Devices. Reading Practice. Question Types: Inferring Word Meaning from Context. Defining a Key Term. Locating a Referent. Understanding Coherence. WRITING SECTION: Persuasive Essay. Recognizing Persuasive Essay Prompts. Generating Ideas. Choosing a Point of View. Writing Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences for a Persuasive Essay. Sample Essay Analysis. H.A.: Writing a Persuasive Essay: "Do you agree or disagree with the folowing statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family." |
Занятие 5 |
LISTENING SECTION:Turns.Listening Practice: Lecture with Student Comments and Questions.Questions Types: Identifying the Main Idea.Summararizing the Most Important Points.Understanding Details. SPEAKING SECTION:Informal vs.Formal.Recognizing Key Words.Speaking Practice: Task 3:Synthesizing and Summarizing Information.(Announcement/Notice+Conversation) READING SECTION: More About Transitions.Compare and Contrast Text Structure.Reading Practice.Question Types: Drawing an Inference.Inferring the Author's Opinion and Attitude.ParaphrasingReading Practice H.W.: Writing a Persuasive Essay: "Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Universities should give the same amount of money to their students sports activities as they give to their university libraries". |
Занятие 6 |
LISTENING SECTION:Outlining a Conversation.Conversation Structure.Listening Practice:Conversation.Question Types: Drawing an Inference.Understanding a Speaker's Implication.SPEAKING SECTION: Recognizing Key Words.Speaking Practice.Task 4: Synthesizing and Summarizing Information. WRITING SECTION:Persuasive Essay.Recognizing Persuasive Essay Prompts.Persuasive Essay Thesis Analysis.Sample Essay Analysis. H.W.:1.Writing a Persuasive Essay: "Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's lives.-automobiles-bicycles-airplanes."Reading Passage pp.229-231. |
Занятие 7 |
READING SECTION:The Main Idea,Transitions and Rhetorical Function.Reading Practice.Question Types:Identifying the Main Idea.Summararizing the Most Important Points.Understanding Details.Understanding Rhetorical Function. WRITING SECTION:Compare and Contrast Essay.Recognising Compare/Contrast Essay Prompts.Two Patterns of Organization.Budgeting the Time.Proofreading Techbique.Sample Essay Analysis. H.W.: Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay: "A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community.Do you support or oppose the factory?Explain your position.Reading Passage pp232-234. |
Занятие 8 |
LISTENING SECTION:Key Words.Listening Practise:Straight Lecture.Lecture with student Comments and Questions.Question Types: Understanding Rhetorical Function.Understanding an Idiomatic Expression in Context. SPEAKING SECTION:Developing Defining,Describing and Exemplifying Skills.Speaking Practice:Task1:Describing Something from Your Own Experience.Task 6: Summarizing a Lecture. WRITING SECTION:Compare and Contrast Essay:" When people move to another country,some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country.Others prefer to keep their own customs.Compare these two choices.Which one do you prefer?"2.Reading Passage pp.235-237. |
Занятие 9 |
LISTENING SECTION:Details.listening Practice: Conversation.Straight Lecture.Question Types: Drawing an Inference.Understanding a Speaker's Implication. WRITING SECTION:Integrated Essay.Stratagies.Structure.Practice. READING SECTION:The Importance of Details.Reading Practice.Question Types: Understanding Details.Understanding Details as They Relate to the Main Idea. H.W.1)Writing an Integrated Essay.2)Reading Passage pp.238-241 |
Занятие 10 |
SPEAKING SECTION: Expressing an Opinion.Structure of the Presentation.Speaking Pracrice: Task 2: Expressing and Supporting an Opinion Based on Personal Experience.Task 5 : Summarizing a Conversation and Expressing an Opinion. Writing Section: Integrated Essay.Practice. Reading Section: Context Clues, Antonyms, and Cohesive Devices.Reading Practice:Question Types:Inferring Word Meaning from Context.Defining a Key Term.Locating a Referent.Understanding Coherence. H.W: 1.Writing an Integrated Essay.2.Reading Passage pp.241-245. |
Занятие 11 |
LISTENING SECTION: Main Idea.Combined skills.Listening Practice: Lecture with Student Comments and Questions.Straight Lecture.QUESTION Types: Identifying the Main Idea.Summarizing the Most Important Points.Understanding Details. SPEAKING SECTION:Recognizing Key Words.Expressing and Supporting an Opinion.Synthesizing and Summarizing.Speaking Practise: Task 2: Expressing and Supporting an Opinion Based on Personal Experience.Task 3 :Synthesizing and Summarizing Information.( Announcement/Notice+Conversation) Writing Section: Integrated Essay.Practice. H.W.1)Writing an Integrated Essay.2)Reading Passage pp.245-249 |
Занятие 12 |
LISTENING SECTION: Outlining a Conversation.Conversation Structure.Listening Practice: Conversation.Question Types: Drawing an Inferewnce.Understanding a Speaker's Implication.Understanding Details. SPEAKING SECTION: Paraphrasing and Summarizing.Speaking Practise: Task 4: Synthesizing and Summarizing information.( Academic Text+ Lecture) Reading Section:Synonyms,Inference,Cause and Effect.Reading Practise: Question Types: Drawing an Inference.Inferring the Author's Opinion or Attitude Paraphrasing. |
Балл IELTS (Academic) – 8.5, TOEFL – 118, GMAT – 94% (Verbal section), GRE Verbal - 165/170.
Преподаватель TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Verbal, SSAT Verbal, ACT Verbal, General & Business English.
В 1999 году Наталья окончила педагогический факультет МГЛУ с присвоением специальности «Современные иностранные языки, филолог, преподаватель английского и итальянского языков и литературы». С 1997 года Наталья преподавала в ведущих университетах СНГ, где стала автором многочисленных программ и методик.
С 1996 года дает частные уроки по General English, Business English, а также готовит к сдаче экзаменов IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT (Verbal), SSAT (Verbal).
Наталья работает в MBA Consult c 2011 года.
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